Treating obstructive sleep apnoea in the mild to moderate range
The SomnoMed MAS™ is an oral appliance, which fits over the upper and lower teeth, much like a sports mouthguard. However unlike a sports mouthguard it is a precision-made, clinically-tested medical device.
It is highly effective (in most cases) in stopping snoring and treating obstructive sleep apnea in the mild to moderate range.
The medical term for your lower jaw is ‘mandible’ and an oral appliance worn over the teeth is a ‘splint’, hence the name SomnoMed Mandibular Advancement Splint, or SomnoMed MAS™.
(Mandibular advancement splints are also known as mandibular advancement devices (MADs) or mandibular repositioning appliances (MRAs).)
What the SomnoMed MAS does.
It positions your lower jaw slightly forward of its natural position, which has the effect of tightening the soft flesh (or ‘tissue’) at the back of your throat, which prevents it from collapsing.
The D Fin-Coupling mechanism on the lower arch of the SomnoMed splint ensures that your lower jaw (mandible) remains in the correct position, whether you sleep with your mouth open or closed – or open your mouth for any other reason, such as to take a drink.
This freedom to move your jaw up and down, without compromising the effectiveness of the device, is a unique feature of the SomnoMed MAS™.
Three good reasons to choose the SomnoMed MAS™
- It’s comfortable. It is the most comfortable and discreet mandibular advancement splint available.
- It’s effective. Its effectiveness in treating snoring and mild to moderate OSA has been clinically validated. (Note: success in all cases cannot be guaranteed.)
- It’s good value. Given the quality, comfort, likelihood of success, manufacturer’s warranty and long life of the appliance, it provides true value for money.